The process for completing the online application is similar to what was done in the past, except it is now streamlined and automated. In addition, each stage has been broken down into a step-by-step process to ensure projects are moving forward in a timely and efficient manner.
Various parts of the application and related forms will need to be completed during each of the phases of the process.
Only the forms related to your role will be available on your Project Dashboard. In addition, to help minimize confusion, you will only have access to forms in the order in which they are to be completed. For example, the Project Initiation Form must be complete, submitted and approved before the next form in the process, the Preliminary Application, will show up on your Project Dashboard.
If you log into a project and there are no Open Project Forms, it means that there is an approval pending on something that was previously submitted. The status in the right hand corner will let you know where you are in the process.
Preliminary Application (Available after the Project Initiation Form is accepted by IJDC)
PDFs of blank example forms of the Preliminary Application Forms, Request Checklists, and Financial Forms can be found here.