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Welcome to the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council website.This site is a source for state funded water and sewer infrastructure projects,
for both the general public and active project participants. Use our Project Center to get instructions on starting and completing projects, and detailed steps in between.
Use the interactive GIS Map Service, under the Active Projects section of the site, to search for and view projects in your area and other areas across our state.
For any questions regarding our policy and procedures, please click here.
These same documents are also available to all certified users in the Tools section of their dashboards.
Visit our FAQ page for answers to our most frequently asked questions. Policy and procedure documents are also available to all certified users in the
Tools section of their dashboards.
IJDC Meetings
IJDC Committee and Council meetings are open to the public and may be attended in-person.
Also, Committee and Council meetings may be attended by conference call.
Below is the conference call information and instructions for public use:
- Please refer to the agenda for the conference call information.
- Please mute your phone if not speaking.
- Please identify yourself if you need to speak.
- Please hold any public comment until the public comment portion of the agenda.
The meeting is available for viewing live by clicking on View Meeting Live (button on left hand side of this page) or by clicking here .
Please note the video stream is approximately 10-15 seconds behind the actual meeting.
IJDC Online Training
The new IJDC Training is now live! Read the items below before starting the training course.
Here are a few things that you can expect to learn in our updated content:
- You can expect to learn more about the internal review and approval process of your forms once they have been submitted.
- You can expect to learn more about IJDC policy. The training has been set up to highlight IJDC policy with a clear, consistent approach.
- You can expect to learn some new things about how your dashboard functions.
Below are some important facts to consider before taking the training.
- This training course is somewhat extensive. It is best to set aside 1.5 to 2 hours in order to complete the training and associated exams.
- Once you begin this training, you will need to continue it to the end. If you close out of the browser window at any time, your place will not be saved and you will need to start the course over.
- You will receive a Certificate of Completion in this course once you have successfully passed both the General Exam and the Role-based Exam. If you are taking the exam for the support role, please take the attorney role specific exam.
- In order to receive a username and password, you will need to email your certificate to the IJDC Help Desk. Your email should contain the following information:
Place of Employment
Contact Information (Phone, fax, cell numbers, email address)
Professional License Numbers (if applicable).
- All emails requesting system access and containing the above information should be sent to
- You can expect to receive a username and password from the same email address in one business week.
- If you experience technical difficulties with the exam, contact the IJDC helpdesk at the above email address or by phone at 304.414.6501 Ext. 118.
- Feel free to provide us with feedback! Send any feedback regarding the training or system to
Updated IJDC Online Certification Training Course